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How to Make Breasts Firm Again After Breastfeeding

I believe that a content woman is one who is satisfied with how she looks and who she is.

Learn how to fix saggy breasts after breastfeeding.

Learn how to set saggy breasts after breastfeeding.

Are Saggy Breasts Inevitable?

Every adult female who is breastfeeding or recently weaned their baby is interested in whether her breasts will ever expect the same as they used to. Your breasts used to be toned and firm and now, especially if you used to breastfeed and have stopped, the pare is stretched and the breasts hang lower.

Breasts are a very special office of a woman's trunk. Nosotros all like to have good care of them desire them to be healthy and look cute.

The bad news is that for many of us, our breasts volition never really be the aforementioned after breastfeeding. Information technology's important to go along in listen that all women'southward breasts modify and become less toned with historic period whether they breastfeed or not.

The expert news is that there are several things nosotros can do to minimize sagginess.

  • exercise
  • creams
  • avert certain positions while breastfeeding
  • back up the breasts with a bra

Why Exercise Breasts Sag After Breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, due to specific hormones, breasts become through a procedure which prepares them for breastfeeding. The number of milk ducts grows and they get bigger. This is why women'southward breasts get bigger during pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, the breasts become even more dense. They get bigger and bigger considering of milk product and the peel is stretched over time. Engorgement and inflammation tin even leave breasts misshapen. It'southward non unusual for a woman's breasts to become asymmetrical: Ane may shrink over time, while the other stays the aforementioned.

What to do if You Are Still Breastfeeding

  • Avoid Leaning Over When you are nursing your baby, especially when the babe is very tiny, apply a pillow to raise your infant upward loftier plenty to meet your breast. Avoid leaning over and angling your breast downwardly into your baby's mouth. This will help prevent your skin from stretching even more.
  • Wear a Expert Bra The peel in your breasts needs support. Get a proficient nursing or sports bra to concur your breasts up. This will prevent further sagging.
  • Swallow Less Brute Fatty What you lot swallow is for breasts skin tone. Reduce your animal fat intake and eat more wholegrain cereals, legumes, and greenish vegetables. Utilise this time while you are nursing to consume more salads, olive oil, and fresh fruits. Eat foods rich in vitamin B (eggs, fish, and poultry) and E (nuts, seeds, and leafy greens). These vitamins assistance maintain skin's elasticity and tone.
  • Hot and Cold Showers While you lot are in the shower, switch between hot and cold water. This will improve your circulation and skin tone. Stop your shower with cold water. That way your chest peel volition stay firm.
  • Wean Gradually When you are ready to programme weaning, leave time to do it gradually. The more gradually you wean, the more yous will aid the fatty tissue to redeposit inside breasts. That will help them regain their pre-pregnancy advent more quickly.
  • Avert Rapid Weight Loss Breastfeeding can assistance women lose their pregnancy weight. But exist careful. If you observe that the pounds are only falling off, your pare won't be able to keep up. Attempt to lose that weight gradually and so that your skin has time to change too.

What to do When You Have Stopped Breastfeeding

You cannot build up your breasts like some other office of your body. Breasts are non composed of muscles and ligaments. Instead, they only have fatty tissue and that's why they are decumbent to sagging.

You can, however, strengthen the muscles that concur the breasts upwards and work on your posture. Have you noticed that while you are breastfeeding you tend to slouch over? When we agree ourselves up with good back posture, our breasts follow along and don't sag equally much. Past exercising your pectoral and back muscles, you will build the strength required to hold your breasts up, making them appear more toned.

i. Dumbbell Pull-Over


This do strengthens your artillery, chest, and back. This volition exist great for your posture and supporting your breasts.

  • Lie dorsum on a bench with both anxiety on the floor.
  • Concord a dumbbell in each hand over head.
  • Heighten your artillery upwards so they are pointing at the ceiling
  • Repeat.

Gyre to Go along

Read More than From Wehavekids

Push Up


Push ups are great for arm, back, and cadre muscle strengthening, which helps with posture.

  • Facing the floor, place hands in forepart of your parallel. You can either keep your legs straight or curve at the knees.
  • Lower yourself down equally far as you can and and so button dorsum up.
  • Repeat.

Chest Printing


The breast press is another practise that tones the arm, chest, and back muscles.

  • While seated at an angle with both feet on the floor, concur a weight in each hand.
  • Extend your arms out.
  • Slowly pull your arms in towards your chest.
  • Repeat.

Creams Later on Breastfeeding

While you were breastfeeding, you probably didn't use any cream on your breast pare. If you accept stopped breastfeeding, this is the right time for dazzler treatments. Invest in a quality peel cream. Your peel will exist soft, healthy, and your chest skin may tone up a flake.

This content is authentic and true to the best of the author's knowledge and does non substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have unsafe side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you lot are experiencing a medical emergency.

Emily on May 15, 2020:

Am now done breastfeeding for 2 months at present.... And am not happy with my sagging breast. What cream can I use and where to observe them that are natural

Caroline Schieng on April 08, 2020:

I'm 26yrs.....5months significant.... Well information technology's my 1st pregnancy and my boob'south equally go so large that I'one thousand commencement to hate myself....i. tin't even carry them please help

dorcas marthias on December 28, 2019:

am 16years one-time and my chest have fallen and sagging what can i do

Spendylove on Dec 26, 2019:

Am 22 years and i take merely 1 daughter,, after breastfeeding her for about 1 twelvemonth, my breast are still small-scale but Fallen. What can i practise to get rid of my breast Fallen?

Sitanjali on December 06, 2019:

I accept 2 child. Small one is 2yrs of age. Only my are sagging and they are loose also. Advise some medicines to restoring my chest up and tight.

mvelelo on October xiii, 2019:

My infant is x months now my chest are sagging looking erstwhile what can i do

Frederica on September 03, 2019:

How can i able to get my breast fam again

Nora on August 09, 2019:

What can i practise to business firm my breast later on breastfeeding

Favour on July 05, 2019:

I am 24yrs old. I accept two kids, the 2nd one is 2yrs now just the near annoying office of it is that my breast has sagged already and that' southward bad and unsatisfying. Someone should please help a sister on annihilation i can do or take to make my breast round and firm again.

Stephanie on June 26, 2019:

Hullo ladies :) the trick is eat healthy, have a regular practice routine, and piece of work on the unabridged body. Don't give up and take information technology slow. I know the globe expects u.s.a. to exist gorgeous like before merely this is natural ❤️ And so information technology'due south takes natural to help u.s.a.. I've had a big breast and now accept very saggy chest do to my breast feeding positions. Simply eat good for you and stay positive, exercise t lose hope. Don't eat fast food either, that helps no one anyway. Stay potent ladies!!

Fatima on April 23, 2019:

Iam 27 years old iam feeding my son and my breast become very large and i deceit wear dress please ineed good advice please

Rhoda on April sixteen, 2019:

Please I demand assist am 30years now and I accept 3 children, and my breast is sagging already, please what tin can I do.

Ameachi approving on April 09, 2019:

Please i gave birth when i was 16 and i breastfeed my babe for a year and 3 months and now is half dozen years i stop breastfeeding , i take try all i could to firm my breast but even so no change, tin can you please assist me, am ashame to off my cloth where there are many people,

Bongi khoza on March 29, 2019:

What should i utilize to make my pause strong nd fresh ...after break feeding for iv years

Nina on March 05, 2019:

I am a female parent of 10 children and Breastfed all of them, between the children and piece of work and school, I did push ups, weight lifting in my conditioning routine and I have been able to maintain my breasts. My husband is thirteen years younger than me, it while information technology does not bother him, it bothers me. He loves me just the fashion I am.

At present I am 52 and noticed a bit of some sagging, and I was told a recipe to lift and tighten, along with calorie-free weight workout. Anyone interested can inbox me at no strings, just plain natural remedy that does assistance, just y'all also need to put the work into information technology.

Jud on Jan 26, 2019:

Wat can I do to make my breast firm again

Temitope on November 27, 2018:

I am 30yrs and I have 2 children..i just finish breast feeding My breast looks very old and weak.. please what can I use to button it up over again.

nusrat on November 18, 2018:

I am 35 years sometime. I take two baby. The youngest is 12 months old. When I was xv to 26, then i take attractive 36 large sized breast. but at 27, I had gone through a surgery for breast tumor. After that the size became pocket-size simply it was 34 and attractive. Only later on my baby birth the size enlarged up to 42. after that it becomes so saggy and small-scale. Its besides much depressing. Merely flat saggy breast. how to i recover and proceeds a 36 sized tones breast?

Juanita on November 06, 2018:

I'chiliad 18 years old. I ended upwardly having a miscarriage concluding twelvemonth on Aug. 13,2018. I was really devastated simply a couple months later i was significant once again (keep in listen, I didn't lose Whatever of my symptoms from the 1st pregnancy). Well now I have my son Marley and his birthday is actually Aug.13 2018. The but reason i'g proverb this is because before I got pregnant I had 32 DDD. Well they were never perky persay they had a proficient look

Juanita on November 02, 2018:

I'thou 18 years old. I ended up having a miscarriage concluding year on Aug. 13,2018. I was really devastated but a couple months afterwards i was pregnant again (go on in mind, I didn't lose ANY of my symptoms from the 1st pregnancy). Well now I have my son Marley and his birthday is actually Aug.13 2018. The only reason i'm saying this is because before I got pregnant I had 32 DDD. Well they were never perky persay but they had a skillful look to them. All the same, since I was significant for a year and 3 months they've go droopyish

Natasha on June 01, 2018:

After breast feeding my son, I was pretty much left with what felt similar less breast than what I started with in the first place, how does that even happen? Anyway, It is awful! I have been using boobpop to assistance become them prissy again and cant wait to see how it works out.

jummmy on May 21, 2018:

I have stop breastfeeding my child over 2years and half +at present and my chest look old and falling down what should i practise to it to come up and strong pls .

Bola Ajayi on April 18, 2018:

Please I Need Your Help I Breastfeed For Over Half-dozen Years Ago And My Breast Not Stand Anymore I Tried But Goose egg Pls What Should I Do To Push Information technology Up Once again ?

Sheila on April 11, 2018:

Can olive oil be helpful when massaged on sagged breasts after the breastfeeding process

Celiwe mvelase on April 04, 2018:

I am 32years and I accept i child.. My breast looks very week and former.. What can I use to get them back to normal.

Lydia on March 12, 2018:

I'm 33yrs with two kids but my chest looks too old and weak .how can i go a footling bit stronger and big

KM on March 05, 2018:

Get naturaful it'south on amazon. it is a fiddling pricier but you will but need to use for a few months INSTEAD of surgery to naturally grow your breasts, firm them and elevator them. :) Another less effective and more affordable option is Sheamoisture'due south Mommy Firming lotion

Shaial on January 11, 2018:

My breast are uneven and i want them to go back normal,yet I have small breast and I'd like them to get a little bigger considering the shrunk during breastfeeding.. What practice I do?? Please I need your help

Cath on November 19, 2017:

What if your chest is uneven.. the i is enorged the other looks like its back to normal size.. what should i do?.. please assistance me :(

Hema on May 28, 2017:

I am 27 yrs I take iii children and I am feeding my 2 yrs boy and my breast size is 31 and how can I make my breast size big requite me a tip

Joy Duncan on May 18, 2017:

What Should I Aply On My Chest To Make it To Be Strong An Fresh.

Mommyof3 on May 06, 2017:

Does this help the "tube sock" look?

Anna levis on December 03, 2016:

Thanks for sharing such a nifty data. I really appreciate for these correct concept which your try to evangelize through this amazing article. I am too going from the same situation but near later on several months and i effort lot of things to control my sagging breast i get for the breast augmentation surgery equally i look unattractive having sagging breasts only having a surgery from (http://world wide now my breast has a perfect shape just withal i practise massage to maintain my shape.

jessica on December 09, 2015:

'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he bankrupt up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the honey I have for him, I begged him with everything, I fabricated promises just he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him dorsum but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to endeavor information technology, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex volition return to me earlier 3 days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, information technology was around 4pm. My ex chosen me, I was and so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was and then sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily over again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of assistance to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out at that place. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his e-mail: you can email him if you lot demand his assistance in your relationship or annihilation. CONTACT HIM Now FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'

mary m on October 29, 2015:

I had saggy boobs, covered with stretch marks afterwards pregnancy, not necessary to say that I didn't like them. I was sceptical to call up a product would piece of work but I used the Somaluxe FIrming Balm (the large bottle) and I am now-amazed at the event! my boobs appear firmer and the stretch marks are somehow less visible.all-time to give it a try, it worked for me, hopefully will work for you too, it feels that I have my pre-pregnancy/breastfeeding boobs back!

benedicta on Dec ten, 2014:

How and where can I become information technology? Am in bayelsa

mamabear on November 04, 2014:

My nascency Control dried me upwardly, out of nowhere but gone, therefore I had to cease nursing it was very anrupt. I accept almost no fatty in my breast and it looks awful I tin't tell what size I am I was a d I am so deflated now though any size bra input on but doesn't seem right. Volition the fat be restored in my breast or am I scarred for life

lulu on October 10, 2014:

I lost more then 10kg afterward breastfeeding so should i eat a flake more and go fatter a bitvto make my breast normal again/?

EmmaMedu (author) on March xiii, 2012:

Give thanks you anybody for your comments and questions.

I went through some other pregnancy in the meantime and my breats also went through a change.

So, I can suggest foods that contain vitamin E (all kinds of seeds) or vitamin East supplements. Vitamin Eastward makes the skin looks younger.

Torso lotions made peculiarly for breasts area are too good, they should be applied every day if possible. If you are even so breastfeeding do this when y'all cease.

A good bra that keeps your breasts upward is too recommended.

all these are minor things but combined together can improve the looks of your breasts.

Andiswa on January 23, 2012:

My chest r saggy later 1yr7mnths of brestfeeding.i cant even undress infront of ma human ive tried some creams northward nix helped me.Plz aid im desperate

friend on Jan 23, 2012:

dainty article,but if u could tell about any food supplements or any home remedy,that volition be slap-up.i hate to exercise,though i don't mind doing my housework.

kamol on January 19, 2012:

my baby is 10th months old ...n my breast are too saggy .. please tell me how can i let it up and cute ...

Liz on January 13, 2012:

I am 22 years old and i got a miscarriage a year agone. I utilise to clothing a 36A bra earlier i got pregnant, i waz pregnant for five months and my breast became very huge. Afterwards i got the miscarriage i expected my breast to go back to their normal size. Information technology's been a yr and i gained weight a little flake, and i'm wearing a size 38D. I don't know what to do, i demand assistance so dat i my breast could become to their normal size before i got meaning. WHAT CAN I DO?

bianca on December 22, 2011:

oh gosh, I couldn't take read this at a better time! I stopped feeding five months agone and I Hate my boobs. and now summers creeping up and I was devastated when I put my bikini on and my boobs sit horribly :( I'm only 20 so I'm hoping its not forever! I do have some firming cream the hospital gave me when I had my daughter so will give information technology ago forth with your other tips! thanks!

apriljades on Nov xv, 2011:

i haven't breastfed since the middle of july..i just gained 23 lbs (start-123,end-146) then i lost my weight very quick and then went to 110lbs breast utilise to be at to the lowest degree a D and now possibly a B or C i'm non even sure honestly only I don't think they're saggy i think information technology just may be the stretchmarks making them appear that way will cocoa butter aid at all, i utilize to exercise placidity a bit & nothings really has helped tone them from what i run into

Ochre from Britain on November 08, 2011:

Thanks for this hub. I found it really informative!

Gaudencia C on Nov 03, 2011:

Thanx for the tips, quite helpful!

mamamucka from New Bailiwick of jersey on October 31, 2011:


Tara on October 23, 2011:

This Hub does brand some since but withal its highly incorrect. I am 23 years former, was 21 when i got pregnant with my son. I was 123 lbs when i got pregnant and while in labor i was just 146. my bra size was 28DD before. I gained inappreciably anyweight. Now that i accept had my son,and 10 months to get off the weight. I only weigh 103 now, and my bra size stayed at 28G! massive. they are no longer firm. they hang style to low and im very unhappy - i have tried everything and talked to doctors. The merely way of fixing the sagging is a reduction/lift -

EmmaMedu (author) on Baronial 01, 2011:

fashion, thank yous for your annotate.

I hope you volition find those info useful :o)

fashion on July 28, 2011:

Peachy hub.

EmmaMedu (author) on July 16, 2011:

ournote2self, thera are really many things we can do for our breasts and most of them are very simple

EmmaMedu (author) on July 16, 2011:

yummie_ma maybe anti-age lotion or special lifting upward cream could help. They will make you skin look nicer oan younger.

ournote2self on July 12, 2011:

Great tips! Who knew at that place were so many things we could practice to house our breats!?

yummie_ma on July 12, 2011:

very useful information. thank u all. but i have another trouble. i was expressing (manually,with my easily) for atleast 9 months, now i hav these marks(blemishes) due north wrinkled skin where my fingers used to sit...can anybodt please advise something coz i tried moisturiser fifty-fifty the breatmilk itself.... :'(

EmmaMedu (author) on April thirteen, 2011:

Ashi, I hope the different arroyo will help you have nicer breasts and improve looks.

I've been doing some exercises lately, just small ones and I tin can meet the improvement.

I oasis't tried breast enhancing pills, then I really can't say if they help or non...

Ashi on April x, 2011:

Subsequently reading this article I've institute promise that my breast would exist house again... It has been 2 years since I stopped breastfeeding my child, believe me I've tried many products just nevertheless the same saggy breast.. I'll change the strategy now.. exercise u retrieve breast enhancing pills piece of work?

Thanx for helping us out:)

EmmaMedu (writer) on Apr 07, 2011:

Yeah, that can also be an option. Why not? If natural methods don't bring satisfying results, cosmetic surgery tin help.

It all depends on how big the breasts are and if they need minor or major repairs. :o))

Chest Reduction Sydney on April 03, 2011:

A fantastic hub. There's null ameliorate than natural breasts that exercise not sag. Another option if all else fails is to have breast reduction surgery. Information technology is non really that farthermost and is becoming more and more than common with women suffering from saggy breasts after pregnancy.

EmmaMedu (author) on March xxx, 2011:

jaclyn8668, I agree with you, there is nothning like breastfeeding your child. Only, when you end breastfeeding and you start looking at yourself as a woman and non merely a mother, why not do something to make that picture meliorate? :o))

jaclyn8668 on March 29, 2011:

breastfeeding is such a wonderful bonding experience with your child it is worth the side furnishings, simply if i can reverse theem with these tips that would be great too!

EmmaMedu (writer) on February 28, 2011:

cristina, having a baby, holding it in your arms and breastfeeding it is the most wonderful affair any woman can experience. Everything else it less important.

But, when the baby gets older and you stop breastfeeding, there are lots of things you tin can practice to brand your breasts look prissy and wonderful again. It all deoends on how much time y'all spend taking care of your torso and how willing y'all are to look sttractive over again, despite having so little time on your disposal and beingness a mother all the time.

cristina on February 28, 2011:

well i hope it works cause im friking out about how im gonna look later on the babe comes i nearly don't want the infant anymore because of it it sucks i take nightmares

EmmaMedu (author) on December xiii, 2010:

Priyanka ahmed83, thank you for your nice comment. I hope you lot breasts volition await just like you would like them to look when you terminate breastfeeding. When you are aware of those thing, than getting your body in shape shouldn't exist and so hard, right? :o)

Priyanka ahmed83 on December 09, 2010:

Its really an informative hub,I one thousand still breastfeeding my toddler and trying to wean,I was looking for such informations!...I relly had a very attractive pair of tight breasts earlier pregnancy. I know it will piece of work for me as I 1000 already in shape later on two yr breastfeeding....

Simply its likewise true that it varies. Every adult female has got their ain structure, all don't have the same. When a woman proceeds some weight, some specific parts of her body shows the signs by adding fat their. When I proceeds weight my face and breast get fat start. that's why I hope after weaning my breast will get tight again. Loose peel is a common reason of saggy breasts. I know many virgin galz having saggy breasts only due to loose skin. So I want to say to the galz out their, having loose skin...u should work out on it. And don't try to loose weight speedily and if u want to loose weight,should do it very planwise and so that the loose skins of ur breasts tin can get plenty fourth dimension to be tone upwardly.

All the women out their wish u all the all-time and thank you emma!!!

EmmaMedu (author) on November 14, 2010:

Extra padding can help breasts await bigger when they compress subsequently breastfeeding.

At least something lol

Dawn Michael from K OAKS on November xi, 2010:

Yep I agree with you on building the muscle and wearing a really adept Not only for back up, but the kind that has the extra padding

EmmaMedu (author) on November 02, 2010:

Niiyke, women are concerned well-nigh their breasts all the time and pregnancy and breastfeeding tin can actually make them look non so nice sometimes.

I'm glad that I took intendance of them, then they didn't get through a major alter. Which, unfortunately I can't say for some of my friends.

Niiyke from Lagos, Nigeria on October 29, 2010:

This breast affair is actually an issue. give thanks God mine are back subsequently 3kids. Very interesting article

EmmaMedu (author) on Baronial 12, 2010:

Cheers for reading information technology and commenting. I hope your future wife volition besides find it useful.

prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on August 12, 2010:

Good data, I'll bookmark this hub and I'll show this to my futurity wife. Thanks very much.


mimi on July 26, 2010:

I am using the B shape breast firmer, fifty-fifty while breast feeding because my breast are realy looking ugly and very saggy, i don't know if this is right simply it has been helping me and so far my breast are looking proficient and firmer

taj on July 04, 2010:

thanks, its such a large aid=)

m4mohsin on July 03, 2010:

very informative hub

EmmaMedu (author) on June thirty, 2010:

trisha bean, thanks for reading and commenting.

trisha bean from elkton,tn on June 30, 2010:

thanks his hub was helpful

EmmaMedu (author) on June 26, 2010:

Thanks prettydarkhorse!

I'thou glad you stopped past :o)

prettydarkhorse from United states on June 25, 2010:

I breastfed and these are all skilful advices and explanation, Cheers, I rated information technology up, Maita

jtrader on May 28, 2010:

I take seen exercise help. Lots of good tips hither.

EmmaMedu (writer) on May 28, 2010:

I mostly used natural oils and bust serums to give my pare better tonus and firmness.

esllr from Charlotte on May 27, 2010:

Squeamish Hub, I took an all natural supplement for larger breast.

It didn't make me larger but it bought my chest back where they used to exist, which was fine for me.

I had 3 children. Saggy chest are no joke. Go to GNC or health food store.

Elle Lewis from South East Asia Maritime Department - Phils on May 26, 2010:

Thank you for sharing useful hub!

EmmaMedu (writer) on May 25, 2010:

Thanks cbris52 for stopping by.

I promise this reading is helpful, as I'm also trying to make my chest look more beautiful now that I'm not breastfeeding anymore.

cbris52 on May 25, 2010:

Very interesting hub!


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